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Online Test


This is a simulation of a real pre-employment assessment test. This test consists of three sub-tests with a total of 40 questions. Each sub-test has a time limit of 5 minutes and there will be a break in between each sub-test. The three sub-tests are:
  1. Verbal Ability (18 questions)
  2. Non-verbal Ability (10 questions)
  3. Numerical Ability (12 questions)

The time limit of only 5 minutes for each test is fairly demanding, so make sure you work fast, but precisely.
The test is to be completed without the aid of a calculator. We suggest you have pen and paper ready for your test.
You are always able to skip a question and return to it later. Use the navigation bar to see what questions have been left unanswered and to return to them at any time you want.

After the test is complete, you must answer some questions about yourself before you can view your results and review the test questions. The data we gather on you is used for anonymous research. We will not ask for your email or other contact details.

When you are ready, click "Begin Quick Test" to start the first sub-test.